


VIP wealth management services for middle-class

Toumi RA assesses risk preference, risk tolerance and investment objectives of individual investors, uses back-end investment algorithms, and creates a customized portfolio for every individual investor with optimized asset allocation across different asset classes. No wonder even in the Black Swan shock of Brexit, Toumi RA's investment strategies beat most of global indexes handsomely.

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/top-performance-re中華路1段哪裡小額借錢包紅包vealed-by-ce-wealth-management-toumi-ra-chinas-leading-robo-advisory-platform-300341693.html

Highlights & exciting features

Nevertheless, this news would not come as a surprise if you understand how the Toumi RA is designed and made.

  • It provides global and multi-asset ETF portfolios asset allocation. Built on the Nobel Prize-winning modern investment portfolio theory, Toumi RA delivers an optimized risk adjusted return, through back-end investment algorithms.

  • Toumi RA is perfectly designed to address this dilemma by offering a wide range of exciting wealth management services for China's middle-class investors.

    Being the first of its kind in China to publish such performance report, CE Wealth Management Toumi RA, the pioneering intelligent FinTech platform, has demonstrated its credentials in wealth management. In the published report, eight out of nine portfolios of different risk levels outperform S&P 500, in both absolute returns and risk adjusted returns. Toumi RA is also doing impressively in risk management.

    By employing internet and mobile technologies and complex investing algorithm, Toumi RA is able to offer multiple features all at once.

    The "cross-asset classes, cross region, low cost, personalized, rational, 24x7, convenient, transparent and fully digital" intelligent FinTech platform has the potential to revolutionize the entire wealth management industry. Toumi RA is not following, but leading the market trend.

  • It provides 24/7 real time monitoring of the markets and real time adjustments to the portfolio, in order to ensure the portfolio allocation is always optimized.

  • 三民路世界巷禮儀費用怎麼算

    • It provides one-stop service form account opening, deposit, portfolio allocation and adjustment. Imagine the time and energy saved for investors.

    • It provides customer-tailored investment advice by taking individual objectives, financial information and risk preference and tolerance into consideration, at low costs. Thus it opens up the door of a previously expensive and exclusive VIP service to millions of middle-class households.

    • The highly sophisticated global financial markets offer investors plenty of opportunities for wealth creation. However, the daunting complexity, high transaction costs and thresholds of investment have always made it difficult for those middle class investors to take advantage of them.

    BEIJING, Oct. 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- From May when ToumiRA was launched to end of August, different portfolio strategies scored impressive return for investors, between 12.6% - 25.9% of annualized returns for different portfolios, according to the freshly published performance report. ToumiRA is a top ranked robo-advisory wealth management platform introduced by CreditEase, a leading FinTech Company in China and also the parent company of online consumer finance marketplace Yirendai (NYSE: YRD).

    The eye-catching performance is only a start.

    About CreditEase:

    CreditEase is a leading FinTech company in China, specializing in small business and consumer lending as well as wealth management for high net worth and mass affluent investors. It is a Standing Committee member of China's Internet Finance Industry Association and Chairman of Beijing Marketplace Lending Association. Its majority owned subsidiary Yirendai (NYSE: YRD), an online consumer finance marketplace, is listed on the New York Stock Exchang干城二街哪裡小額借錢包紅包e.

    It is sometimes referred to as "100,000 dollars dilemma," that an investor with $100,000 has too much to invest, but too little to hire professional wealth management advisors to design a customized investment plan.



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